Category: Ako | Learn

Information Report: Bengal Swamp Tigers – Lisea and Daeyna

We used our smart searching skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes in our own words. We used these notes to help us write our information reports. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the Swamp Tiger.

Not many people know that swamp tigers are nocturnal hunters. Swamp tigers, (also known as panthera tigris tigris) are glamorous animals, regardless of their beauty they are vicious beasts that are slowly coming to extinction. These tigers can be found in the mangrove forests of Sundarbans, which is in-between India and bangladesh.

Swamp tigers have an orange coat and black stripes all around their body to help them camouflage with their surroundings. These creatures have a beastly jaw and muscular bodies. They use their enormous and retractable claws to easily take out their prey. Also did you know that they weigh about 453.592kgs?

Bengal tigers are carnivorous animals (only eats meat) they can eat, and kill everything starting from tiny crabs, to human beings. These animals eat wild boars, deers, buffalos, monkeys, unlike other tigers they include marine life into their diet.

Are you aware only about 100 of the bengal swamp tigers remain today? Swamp tigers come from a continent in Asia, you will find that they live between the borderlines of India and bangladesh. They like humid places and live in mangroves forests.

Not many people know that they are unsocial animals, either way these tigers are very protective about their territory. As it says in the opening statement, they live in mangrove forests, because of this they can camouflage easily to hunt for their prey.

Not a lot of people are aware that these beautiful predator populations will decrease if we continue to expand cities.

How to do Multiplication Algorithm

We were challenged to use multiplication algorithm to solve multiplication problems. I created a DLO that shows an explanation on how to solve addition algorithm. When using algorithm with multiplication it is important to remember to carry the 1 on the next number, if the number is bigger than 9.

I found this task fun because I can teach others how to use algorithm.

Howick Historical Village Trip

For this activity we created a collage of Howick Historical Village.We first got all separated into 3 groups and got to do some activitys like Butter making,Building Trolleys, A tour around and also learning about the 1800s.For my group our first activity was butter making and what we did for butter making was that we had a cream to make the butter.Our first step was to put the cream into a a glass bottle, then we used this one paddle that used to make butter in the 1800s.While we were mixing it there was a rhyme that goes like ¨Churn butter churn (Someones Name) waiting at the gate, waiting for some butter cake churn butter churn¨Then we had a little look around the place and also learning history in the 1800s,we also explored and experience the houses and looked at the boards that was giving us infomation about what the houses and there was not just houses there was a church, school and also bulding places like wood for men back then.Our last activity was Building Trolleys.What we did first was we learnt infomation about what we will be building and got into 4 groups.We got given items, tools and many other stuff that needed to be used for what we were building.For my reason about building trolleys was that we were using our teamwork skills and working togther and it was also hard because there was no instructions but only a picture for us to look at and see were does the tools or itmes goes.

What I thought about this trip was it was really amazing to learn about the 1800s and also getting more and more information about back then.What I thought about this task was that it was cool to talk about were we went and what we have been doing lately.

Haiku Poem

In the a Haiku poem there are 7 syllables, 10 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word, For my haiku poem I did one about Maui and the sun, my poem was

The sun moved quickly
Maui had an idea
To capture the sun

He woke up early
Maui tried his best to throw
Maui brought the sun

Searching for the Ra
They came across a large whole
They hid and waited

He used up his strength
And slowly woke up the sun
Pulling it closer

He found companions
And started to hit the Ra
Slowly and slowly

I liked this task because my partner made it more interesting and fun.


LI: To understand both sides of an opinion

We read a text about 2 men that stole Victoria crosses and 96 military medals from the Natinal Army Musuem, special to NZ. We shared opinions if we thought their punishment fit the crime or not. Then we had to look and write perspectives different from ours.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to listen and understand different perspective.

Polar Bear Moment in time Poem

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

This week we wrote moment in time poems. We first watched a video of a man getting attacked by a polar bear. But thankfully he was in his protective cage and no harm was caused. We wrote a poem using the 5 senses, and wrote about how we would feel or what we would see, if we were the man in the video.

This activity was interesting because we used interesting vocabulary using wordhippo.

Chinese Lantern Festival

LI: To use smart searching skills to research correct information.

This tasked we learnt about Lunar New Years, The lantern New Year. We resarched and explained about what or why Chinese Lantern Festival is about and why it is important to them. We then wrote down the most importantly part which was the information. Lastly we certainly decorated and added pictures on the slides to represent what it looks like.

I found this activtie enjoyable and amazing because it helps me and others, learn more different parts about Lunar New Years. My other reason is that I get to be creative and show everyone what we have being learning in class.

Treaty of Waitangi X C.A.R.E Values

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi

In this slide, we combined the CARE values with the Treaty of Waitangi. We connected the Care values with the Treaty of Waitangi.  We wrote how the Treaty of Waitangi or the people included showed the Care Values. What I loved about this activity was that we were able to see how our values connected with the Treaty of Waitangi.

Unpacking Leadership

For this task we were unpacking leadership roles.  I learned what is a team and leadership is. A team is group of people who communicate  and work together collaboratively while leadership is stepping forward and taking risks. Leadership also helps others to strive and achieve  their goals. I also learnt what a role model and responsibility means. A role model a person who looks up to you and takes responsibility from you and responsibility means to be able to take action, have control, being confident, and knows what’s best to help others.

I found this activity interesting because we discovered further information about a team, leadership, a role model, and responsibility.

C.A.R.E Values for Panmure Bridge School

The care values shows what you do for PBS and there are 4 values.

First I worte on a piece of paper, I wrote the 4 values on it and had to explain what it means e.g C Stands for confidence, that means speaking up to the teacher and maybe presenting to the class. And asking for help if your not sure.

Next I wrote the next care value: A stands for attitude, that means doing well in learning and showing respect as well for respect and doing what the teacher assigns you to. Attitude can be shown in your house or anywhere your at by listening to your parents

After I wrote what attitude shows.

Confidence shows that you can “participate, do presentations, speech’s and shows that your brave”.

Attitude shows that you can “listen, do what’s expected of”.

Respect shows that you can “pick up rubbish even if it’s not your rubbish, put your rubbish in the bin, listen to the speakers”.

Excellence shows that you can “do your work/get your work finished on time, do what the teacher is telling you to do”.